Custom Acrylic Photo Print Ideas for Home Decoration
A key intention of interior design is to symbolize the people of the house. Exhibiting individual taste all together to compliment each other. Every decorative piece, design, style, etc have to create harmony with each other akin to the members of the family. An impactful way to do so is by adding pictures to walls, tabletops, and shelves. Including each member, favorite prints, portraits in one place makes the house a home, radiating harmony.
This is where custom-made acrylic photo prints come into the picture, literally. Ditching the traditional wooden and metal frames, acrylic prints are taking over to become the most popular decor item. Although a modern-looking photo print, it suits a classic themed decoration equally. Unlike traditionally used glass frames, acrylics are more durable and lightweight. They will help you in the long run with their shock-proof material that does not shatter. They still have a high shine factor with a smooth gloss finish to give your pictures an extra edge.
Acrylic photo print: home decor ideas
Perfect for home decor, acrylic photo prints can be customized in assorted ways with the help of online developers. Any kind of image will look great after being printed on acrylic if it is in high resolution. Acrylic prints do not have textures like canvas prints and can escalate the print quality. Here are some print ideas you can use acrylic printing for.
Family portraits

Everyone loves a display of fond memories of their families in their houses. Decorating common spaces or individual rooms with acrylic prints of memorable photographs can liven up the house. Have a huge family with kids and the picture is just too big? When printing in acrylic, you’ll be able to see every last detail in your image. Pick out a high-definition photo for best results.
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Acrylic photos are easier to clean, all they need is a wipe with a cloth. With a durable build, they do not break easily or shatter like glass. These factors make them low maintenance and kid-friendly.
Abstract art prints

If you are a lover of modern art, abstract prints on acrylic frames may prove to be the feather on your hat. Bright popping colors or black and white moody prints, whatever you choose to adorn on your walls can be printed on an acrylic sheet. Acrylic gives the art piece a vivid, saturated look enhancing the quality of art for the best view.
Creating a gallery view with several prints on a single wall is one of the many ways to use acrylic prints for such artworks. To make a statement choose art pieces with bold designs and group them in the living area to catch the eyes of people walking by.
Food art for the kitchen
Why leave out the kitchen when you are decorating? The ambiance is everything while cooking or eating. Similar to picking a suitable color for the cabinets or mugs to hang above the counter, choosing some food art to hang on the kitchen walls. Food art creates a vibe for an eating place. It could be oil paintings printed on acrylic digitally to demonstrate the texture and taste.
Another way to include food on the walls is by using appetizing quotes with illustrations of your favorite food items. In a house with children, this stimulates curiosity. You can also display vegetable pictures in acrylic frames to make a good impression of healthy food on kids. However it is food art, it can still be used in hallways, stairs, or entrances for a contemporary theme.
The classic, first choice to decorate any space in a house is a landscape picture in minimalistic frames. The sheer pleasure of physical sensation: fresh air, daylight, wind, moisture, cold and warmth, colors, textures make this art style suitable for any theme. Large acrylic prints with vast sceneries make a statement for the living area and bedrooms.
To experiment with colors you can pick scenic cityscapes with lights, decor, and intricate details. Acrylic favors bright colors, hence is best suited for city lights, festival scenes, or colorful landscapes. Thicker acrylic frames are recommended as they come with metal hardware to hang.
Split acrylic glass prints
If you do not like a single frame covering the entire wall, you can split the print into three or more numbers. This creates dimensions and crowds the wall with more frames. Acrylic prints of a single huge painting can be easily split into the desired number of frames. It is important to carefully mark where you want to split the photograph to avoid cutting off any important detail.
Split acrylic prints are recommended for photographs that do not have any fine details. Line art, marine views, abstract paintings, doodles are some examples of prints that can be easily split into 3-4 prints and result in a high-impact look.
Other than these whichever picture you will pick to print, acrylic photo prints will surely satisfy your desires. Perfect for any mood, theme, and color palette acrylic photo prints are your go-to decoration piece.